Schneider Electric Applicant and Candidate Privacy Notice
for Recruitment


Thank you for your interest in exploring careers at Schneider Electric. We are committed to protecting your privacy and your personal information. This privacy notice explains what personal information we may gather about you as part of the recruitment activities and how this information may be used and shared. You should read this privacy notice before accessing our recruitment system.

This privacy notice provides you with information on how Schneider Electric processes and protects your personal information when you access and use the Schneider Electric recruitment system to perform activities such as:

  • -  to create an account in the Career Section used to store your application data and/or

  • -  to apply for a specific job offering of an entity belonging to the Schneider Electric Group (“Schneider Electric” or


  • -  as well as to inform you about new job posting notifications and to send information about career opportunities

  • -  if you are hired by a Schneider Electric entity, to process any pre-employment requirements.

    By accessing our system, you are also connecting to our Schneider Electric website which uses cookies in order to enable Schneider Electric to provide you with certain features and provide us with information regarding website visits or use of our applications. Know more about the Schneider Electric Cookies Notice here.

    Please find below information about how your personal information will be used by Schneider Electric during the recruitment process.

  1. Why do we collect and use personal information?

Schneider Electric will process personal information to identify potential candidates, process and evaluate applications, make hiring decisions, and onboard new hires. More details in the below table.

Recruitment Related Activities

Legal Basis

Assess your suitability for employment for the role for which you are applying, as well as future roles that may become available

Schneider Electric’s legitimate interest ensuring we recruit the appropriate talent

Perform assessments to validate the adequacy of your profile with the job requirements (e.g. virtual job simulations, skills assessments)

Schneider Electric’s legitimate interest ensuring we recruit the appropriate talent relative to skills/qualifications

Realize background checks and verification where applicable and as permitted by laws

Manage your application with all stakeholders involved in the process (e.g. talent acquisition teams, HR and recruiting managers...)

When applicable, record on-line interview for sharing with additional talent acquisition employees or hiring managers

Schneider Electric’s legitimate interest ensuring we recruit the appropriate talent relative to curriculum/ Compliance with laws
Schneider Electric’s legitimate interest ensuring we recruit the appropriate talent

Schneider Electric’s legitimate interest ensuring we recruit the appropriate talent

Communicate with you (including updating you on the recruitment process

Schneider Electric’s legitimate interest ensuring effective communication with you and all parties involved in the recruitment process

Retain your contact information and profile within Schneider Electric talent acquisition network, inform you about new positions or career-related events that may be of interest to you.

Consent. To broaden the opportunities on offer to you in your job search, your personal information will be processed by subsidiaries of Schneider Electric while your personal account is active in the system. Your account will be closed 2 years after the date of your last activity and your personal information will then be deleted


from our active databases. If you wish to withdraw your consent and have your information removed from our active databases before your account is automatically closed, you can delete your account and your information - at any time – by deactivating your account

Manage administrative tasks (e.g. for interview related expenses / interviews logistics)
Perform HR metrics/analytics of applicant pool. (e.g. foster a diverse and inclusive environment). Conduct surveys.

Answer any legal or regulatory obligations or reporting

Manage your account in the Schneider Recruitment System
Prepare and sign an offer letter for employment
Provide you an easy application process by offering you to parse your CV

If you receive and accept an offer of employment with us:

Prepare / finalize your employment contract

Schneider Electric’s legitimate interest to provide applicants with the best recruitment experience Schneider Electric’s legitimate interest to improve its talent acquisition practices and processes as well as developing the diversity of its workforce

Schneider Electric’s compliance with a legal obligation to which it is subject

Schneider Electric’s legitimate interest to manage its recruitment tool and processes
In order to take steps prior to entering into a contract Schneider Electric’s legitimate interest to provide to its candidates a better user experience

The performance of a contract with you, or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract

Pre-Employment Purposes

Legal basis

Inform you and track review of relevant Schneider Electric policies (e.g. Principles of Responsibilities, IT charter...)

The performance of a contract with you, or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract
Schneider Electric’s legitimate interest to communicate about and apply its policies, such as Ethics, Security, etc. Schneider Electric’s compliance with a legal obligation to which it is subject

Register you to Schneider Electric benefits, payroll, and other employee programs.

Make compulsory declarations, where required, to authorities, as mandated by applicable Labor, Social Security, Tax or similar regulations.

The performance of a contract with you or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract

Schneider Electric’s compliance with a legal obligation to which it is subject

Check your medical or background compliance

The performance of a contract with you or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract

Schneider Electric’s compliance with a legal obligation to which it is subject

Plan your induction program

The performance of a contract with you or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract
Schneider Electric’s legitimate interest to provide new hires with the best on-boarding experience

Complete your personnel file in our human resources system,

The performance of a contract with you or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract
Schneider Electric’s legitimate interest to manage its workforce

Notify relevant stakeholders to prepare your arrival (e.g. access badge, IT assets...etc.)

The performance of a contract with you or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract
Schneider Electric’s legitimate interest to provide new hires with the best on-boarding experience

We also authenticate and log access to the system for security purposes. We may also communicate with you electronically or otherwise about related security, privacy, use and administrative issues related to the use of the system. These activities are performed in the legitimate interest of Schneider Electric and of the users of the system to ensure its proper operation.


2. What types of personal information do we process?

We process some personal information relating to you when you access and use the Schneider Electric recruitment systems, including personal information received from you or authorized third parties (e.g. approved recruitment agencies which you authorized to submit your personal information to us).

You may use personal information about you stored at third parties in order to create a profile on the Schneider Electric recruitment system such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, or Microsoft. With respect to the handling of your personal information by such third parties in this context please refer to the privacy policies of such third parties.

The processed personal information may include the following types of information that is collected for:

The recruitment process:

  • Personal identification information, such as name, gender, nationalities, login information

  • Personal life (e.g. telephone numbers, home and email address)

  • Employment preferences, (e.g. desired job level, willingness to relocate, desired salary)

  • Professional life (e.g. information you provide in résumés / CVs, such as career history, language, skills and

    competencies, educational and training information)

  • Data generated by interviewers and recruiters, based on their interactions with you

  • Data provided by third-party (e.g. employment agencies or job-search websites, where applicable)

  • Source tracking (how did you hear about us)

  • Any information you bring to our consideration

  • Recommendations provided on your behalf by others

  • We may collect sensitive information about you (such as information which may reveal racial or ethnic origin, religious

    beliefs, sexual orientation, health or criminal records) if you voluntarily provide us with such information or if we are

    required to collect such information by law

  • Data generated by your participation in psychological, technical or behavioral assessments. If any such assessments

    are performed, you will receive more information about the nature of such assessments before your participation in any

    of them

  • Recordings of virtual interviews

    The pre-employment process: additional information will be collected and processed to comply with a legal obligation, for the performance of the contract with you, or in Schneider Electric legitimate interests:

  • National identifiers. Your national ID/passport, residency and work permit status, social security number, or other taxpayer/government identification number where applicable and as permitted by law

  • Personal life (e.g. family status, dependents)

  • Financial information. Bank account details, tax information and other information necessary to administer payroll,

    taxes and benefits

  • Background information. Academic and professional qualifications, education, CV/Resume, credit history and criminal

    records information for background checks and vetting purposes, where permissible and in accordance with applicable


  • Documentation required under immigration laws;

  • Demographic data; date of birth, gender, nationalities.

  • We may also collect and process sensitive personal information about you in accordance with local requirements and

    applicable laws. This includes information about health or disability to provide work-related accommodations, or information about race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation to comply with anti-discrimination laws and government reporting obligations and to help insure equal employment opportunities.

Like any system, connections are logged for security purposes.


3. Who is in charge of processing activities? With whom will the information be shared?

Schneider Electric Industries SAS, 35 rue Joseph Monier 92500 Rueil Malmaison - France, Schneider Electric’s Head Office, is data controller of central data processing activities, including the management of the recruitment and onboarding system and the performance of general metrics and analytics. Schneider Electric subsidiaries are data controllers of the data processing activities performed in the framework of their respective recruitment and onboarding operations.

Schneider Electric is a global Company, with legal entities, business processes, management organizations, and system infrastructure that cross borders.

Other Schneider Electric entities: As a global organization, your personal information may be shared with other Schneider Electric affiliates and locations in the world. Schneider Electric being a global Company, managers, HR and other teams (IT, compliance, legal, accounting and internal audit teams...) may have global or multi-country roles. They can then be located anywhere in the world where Schneider Electric operates. Schneider Electric has internal policies to ensure an appropriate equivalent level of protection in its worldwide organization. To comply with EU requirements for transfers of personal information outside of the European Union within Schneider Electric entities, Schneider Electric has adopted Binding Corporate Rules (BCR).

Third Parties: we may share your personal data with 3rd parties which are all engaged with us to respect the confidentiality and security of your personal information. We resort to service providers to carry out data processing activities and to provide you with services.

Others: we may also share your personal information with government administrations and regulators (e.g., tax authorities, social security, government authorities, and with employee representatives in accordance with applicable laws or as legally required, as well as with third parties in the context of reorganization of operations.


4. How do we protect your personal information?

Schneider Electric strongly supports the fundamental rights to privacy and data protection as well as compliance with national and international privacy laws. Schneider Electric has adopted an internal Global Data Privacy Policy which is applicable to all our subsidiaries for the collection, processing, use, dissemination, transfer, and storage of personal information. It imposes common rules for all of our subsidiaries globally and aims at ensuring a high level of protection of personal information within Schneider Electric. Schneider Electric also establishes this privacy notice as an external publication of our Binding Corporate Rules (“BCR”), approved by data protection supervisory authorities of the European Union in November 2012 for the processing of personal information from the EEA as a data controller. In Schneider Electric’s Binding Corporate Rules, we respect and take into account the major principles of EU data protection rules as our Head Office is located in the European Union.

Schneider Electric subsidiaries will observe the following principles when processing your personal information:

  • -  Processing personal information fairly and lawfully.

  • -  Processing personal information for specified, legitimate purposes and not processingfurther in ways

    incompatible with those purposes.

  • -  Collecting personal information which is relevant to and not excessive for the purposes for which it is collected

    and used.

  • -  Keeping personal information only as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and


  • -  Maintaining personal information accurate, and where necessary, kept up-to-date.

  • -  Processing personal information in accordance with the individual’s legal right.

  • -  Taking appropriate technical, physical, and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized access, unlawful

    processing, and unauthorized or accidental loss, destruction, or damage to personal information.

  • -  When collecting sensitive personal information (such as personal information about racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or political beliefs, trade-union membership, health or medical records, or criminal records), Schneider Electric entities will ensure that the individual is informed and /or has provided consent to such collection

and processing.

Schneider Electric and its entities take appropriate reasonable technical, physical, and organizational measures to protect personal information against unauthorized access, unlawful processing, accidental loss or damage, and unauthorized destruction. We offer the use of a secured infrastructure to enable you to provide your account information. We implement access control measures for our internal systems that hold personal information. Authorized users are given access to such systems through the use of a unique identifier and password. Access to personal information is provided to our staff on a need to know basis. We sensitize our employees on proper use and handling of personal information. Our service providers are also required to maintain security measures similar to ours. We implement security measures to determine the identity of registered users, so that appropriate rights and restrictions can be enforced for these users. If you are a registered user, we use both logins and passwords to authenticate you. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your login credentials. In spite of our efforts to implement appropriate security measures, online browsing carries inherent risks and we cannot guarantee that it is risk-free.


5. How long will the information be kept?

Your personal information will be retained as long as necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected; you will find detailed information below on the retention period for the data items in your personal candidate account and pre- employment data.

Retention period for the data items in your personal account:

To broaden the opportunities on offer to you in your job search, your personal information will be kept with your consent by subsidiaries in the Group while your personal account is active in the recruitment system. Your account will be closed 2 years after the date of your last activity and your personal information will then be deleted from our active databases.

Nevertheless, if you wish to withdraw your consent and have your information removed from our active databases before your account is automatically closed, you can delete your account and your information - at any time – by deactivating your account.

If you didn’t consent to be part our Schneider Electric Talent Community, and only wish to be considered to the position you applied for, your personal information will be processed in our active database for the duration necessary to perform the recruitment process and then deleted from our active databases.

Retention period for Pre-Employment process:

If you accept an offer of employment by Schneider Electric, personal information collected during your pre-employment period will become part of your Schneider Electric personnel record. Data retention is determined taking into consideration the following:

  • The duration of the employment relationship

  • The necessary management of benefits, tax and other administrative formalities

  • Potential re-hire

  • Legal requirements for keeping data

  • Statute of limitations.


6. How to exercise your individual rights? Any requests?

Schneider Electric will comply with your data protection rights as granted by applicable laws.

As an applicant, you can exercise your rights to access, rectify or delete your personal information and any other rights granted by applicable laws (e.g. under GDPR the rights to information, access, portability, rectification, erasure or restriction of personal information and right to objection to the processing of personal information on grounds relating to your particular situation when the processing is justified by a legitimate interest).

In order to exercise the data protection rights granted under applicable data protection law, you may:

  • -  Access and rectify the personal information you provided to us, at any time, by editing your profile on your Career account,

  • -  Delete your account by going to your “My Rights” page. A deactivation of your account will trigger the automatic deletion of all your personal information recorded in the active database of our recruitment system,

  • -  Make a request at To ensure the security of your personal information, we may ask you to provide details to verify your identity.

    Once you become an employee of Schneider Electric, you will be able to exercise your individual rights according to the processes set by Schneider Electric, as described in the available Employee Privacy Notice.

    If you believe that Schneider Electric has processed your personal information in violation of applicable law, or if you have questions or comments about the Company’s privacy practices or this privacy notice you can contact the Group Data Protection Officer (DPO):

    DPO, Schneider Electric, 35 rue Joseph Monier CS30323 92506 Rueil Malmaison-France.


7. Changes to this privacy notice

We keep our privacy notice under regular review to make sure it is up to date and accurate. New versions will be accessible online. You will find the date of update below.